Hex Takeover

Hex Takeover

Hex Takeover

Hex Takeover

Hex Takeover

Play Game: 3D

Hex Takeover

Welcome Hex Warriors!nnHex Takeover is a turned-based strategy game played on different hexagonal boards. The objective is simple: conquer the most tiles to win.nnHow To Play:nDuring your turn tap on any of your tiles to chose your next move. Tiles can be cloned to adjacent spaces or they can jump to further spaces. Landing near opponent tiles will convert their tiles into yours! Cloning and Jumping have different implications on your strategy. Cloning a piece means that you get more tiles of your color on the board. Jumping sometimes could be beneficial if you spot enemy pieces further away but want to conquer them. The game ends when the board is filled up with tiles!nnSeems easy right? Let’s put your skills to the test!nnHex Takeover has simple game rules, yet the game can be quite a bit challenging! With different levels and varying difficulties, there are tons of different strategies to explore.nnThrough very satisfying and calming gameplay, explore the map and encounter new enemies and challenges!nnCan you explore the entire map and unlock new characters to play as?


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